For the youngest children, love revolves around family. A wonderful family story time could include The Runaway Bunny by Margaret Wise Brown, Guess How Much I Love You by Sam McBratney. In both of these titles, a parent or caregiver, expresses the depth of their love for the child. No matter what you do or where you go, the parent will be there. No matter how much you think you are loved - it is even greater. These are classics!
Another favorite of mine is unfortunately out of print - Monkey Face by Frank Asch. If you are lucky enough to find a copy, it tells of a little monkey who is making a picture of his mom. After getting lots of critical advice from his friends to add features, the picture does not resemble his mom at all - but of course she loves it and hangs it on the fridge. I am so disappointed that I don't have a copy of this book to share. It is a perfect example of parental love.
For older readers there are some wonderful books about first loves. Alice In Rapture, Sort Of by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor is one book in the series about motherless girl, who deals with growing up along with her sometimes confused Dad and her 19 year-old brother. As she enters seventh grade, Alice's friend Patrick has become her "boyfriend", but who can give her relationship advice? A funny and realistic story about first love.
Another lovely story about young love and first love is Flipped by Wendelin Van Draanen. It was also made into a feature film by Rob Reiner. Bryce and Juli first meet as second graders and in alternating chapters we see how their feelings for each other have changed over the years. Read the book first and then borrow the movie!

I hope everyone has a wonderful Valentine's Day! Be sure to stop by the library for these and other great books and movies!